Why work with our Fresh Perspectives team?
Every person is unique, and has their own set of skills and abilities that set them apart from other job seekers.
Every situation is unique - the career stage you are in, the position you hold or aspire to, whether you are currently employed or seeking employment, just entering the job market, or venturing into the post-retirement world - you want a coach who customizes your plan to who YOU are and the vision you hold.
At Fresh Perspectives Career Consulting, we start with YOU: we honor who you are and what success looks like to you. We pride ourselves on providing a professional and respectful experience as we help you navigate through the process to achieve your goals.
We bring a fresh perspective to help you build the confidence you need to succeed in attaining your own vision of success.
At Fresh Perspectives Career Consulting, we start with YOU: we honor who you are and what success looks like to you. We pride ourselves on providing a professional and respectful experience as we help you navigate through the process to achieve your goals.
We bring a fresh perspective to help you build the confidence you need to succeed in attaining your own vision of success.
Our services are individualized
We provide career coaching and consulting to assist you in achieving your career vision.
We work with you in activities such as:
- Brainstorming career fit and vision
- Methods to research the right job to fulfill your vision
- Resume and social media profile tips and editing support
- Finding jobs - published and not published
- Networking and informational interviews
- Interview skill practice and tips
- Negotiating the offer
- Other activities as needed to achieve your career vision